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Economic Conditions,1st Quarter 08

( As the economy of Indonesia moves to the second quarter, there are significant events that could revise the state budget.


As predicted earlier this year the impact of the US Sub-prime mortgage crisis has effects to the world economy. More over, other things that have effects are the on going rising of the world oil price. This rise is carefully monitored by the economic coordinating minister and is said to be a serious issue to the Indonesian economy.


At the near future the program for limiting the petrol consumption is near reality. Some people agree more on just raising the price then limiting the usage. This is because if this limitation occurs then it would affect the economic wheel that runs the economy.

Nowadays, people could feel the rise of daily commodities. Some say it is more caused by the distribution problem. Cooking oil is one of them. Small businesses are suffering a lot because of this condition. Al though the conversion program from kerosene to gas has not fully completed, the government is now starting to take kerosene of the market.


There is also a plan to raise the electric price, by the state owned electric company PLN. Although covered in a certain scheme to reward efficient using or below the certain level and punishment in a form of charge if usage over the certain level.


As a large nation, unfortunately we are too late in planning the development of power plants to support the growing needs of electric power. So shortage is a consequence. Blackouts will be a common thing until 2010 when the next investments will commence.


  As a result of these price raises, inflation is inevitable. The central bank (BI) is considering raising the BI Rate to 25 basis points from 8 % to 8.25%. This is also to tackle the global pressure in the form of oil price raise.


The stock exchange is also not getting any better. The US stock market capitalization alone has fell US$ 920 billion. While here the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) also fell  to 11,95% from the start of 2008.


 We have to face it. The global recession is in the run. Stop debating and start finding solutions to the problem. Maybe we could start with efficiency.


Author Belajar Ekonomi 


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